Superior (USA) as usual, Cadillac delivered its highly successful
commercial chassis to a number of independent coach builders who continued to design
ambulances,. hearses and combination vehicles. One of the Superior cars is shown

Texas Armoring Corporation USA] - http://www.texasarmoring.com/process.html
- This armored Cadillac was recently [6/2002] acquired by French Cadillac enthusiast and
friend, Christophe Barat. He kindly supplied the photos and information for this entry.
Christophe has been in contact with the customizer; he got this reply (in summary): This
is one of one of seven bullet-proof Cadillacs that were sold in 1987 to Rafat Assad, the
brother of the President of Syria. The 110 volt system is for electrifying the door
handles to electrically shock anyone attempting to enter the vehicle. The black box with
the two red covered switches with the small key is the tear gas deterrent system. This
system has four tear gas grenades hidden inside the four fenders, two front and two rear
to fire or disperse tear gas at assailants. The
buzzer is to warn occupants that tear gas may also enter the vehicle. The protection level
is "4", to protect against the M 16, AR 15, AK-47 high powered rifles and
automatic weapons. We have produced more than 1,000 such armored passenger vehicles since
1977. This Cadillac was one of an order of twelve vehicles (7 Cadillacs and 5 Chevrolet
Blazers), all of which were for Rafat Assad and his family members residing in France at
the time; they were all shipped to Marseilles, France, as I remember. Mr. Assad is
Syria's exiled ex-Minister of Defense. The cost of armoring such a vehicle was (and still
is) approximately $65,000. The engine is the standard engine supplied by the General
Motors factory. The roof, floor, firewall, gas tank and battery were all protected. Christophe
says the car window glass is 2 inches thick ...yet all windows operate! The small
rear vents also are armored with 1-inch thick polycarbonate similar to that used in jet
fighters. Doors, radiator, firewall, roof, floor, seat backs, wheel wells and hood all are
armored. The central console has switches for a multi-tone police horn, a PA system; there
are six more unidentified switches. There is a tank in the trunk that holds oil to create
an oil lick in the path of any pursuing vehicles. In the trunk are: a second battery, an
oil reservoir to slick up the road in case of pursuit (it is controlled from the driver's
seat), a 12V-110V power inverter feeding the outside door handles (there is a 110V power
feed there too but it is possible that a piece of equipment is missing). Microphones allow
conversations to be heard clearly at a distance of 150 feet. A smoke screen can be
created, through the exhaust system. Two alarm sirens controlled from the driver's seat
are loud enough to scare away any would-be assailants. Individual hinged openings in each
door allow occupants to fire weapons from inside the car. The bumpers are mounted solid
with the chassis and would be helpful in ramming the car free if closed in by other
vehicles. Two high-powered searchlights are mounted behind the grill; two others are
integral with the rear bumper to blind the drivers of any vehicles in pursuit. A
receptacle mounted under the trunk, opened up from the driver's position, will release
mails in the tracks of pursuing cars.

Armoring is not noticeable until you get close to the

The control box to the left of the steering wheel
controls the ejection of tear gas shells from four tubes (one at each
corner of the car); of the six switches on the center panel, all but one have been
identified; these control (a) the box of nails,
(b) the smoke screen, (c) and (d) the front and rear projectors and (e) the loud siren;
although they appear thinner,
the small vent panes also are armored (1 inch of polycarbonate); center console is by the
Federal Signal Corporation

Rear door with armor-plating in place and removed

Two-inch thick glass in doors; the smaller vent panes
also are armored

Left: on each rear fender is located an orifice/tube
for ejecting tear-gas shells
Center: the 12VDC/110VAC power inverter feeding the exterior door handles (!)
Right: the oil tank for creating an oil slick in the path of pursuing cars

Seen from the exterior, orifices on front
bumper and rear fenders
for ejecting tear-gas shells to disperse assailants
Eureka (USA) continued to make professional cars for
the ambulance and funeral trades

This used hearse was on sale on the Internet in
August, 2004
[Unknown, USA] Special edition Trump

American Custom Coachworks (ACC) (USA)
custom, stretched Cadillac Brougham limousine (70" stretch). This is the Van Cleef
IV Edition. It is presently (2008) owned by professional car and limousine
enthusiast "Bob" from Louisiana; it has just 24K miles on the clock. Check out his home page for more pics of
this car ...and others!

Allen Coachworks (USA) built this stretched Porta
Lunga, long-door limousine in the late eighties (I am assuming 1989 from the ad that
appeared in Limousine & Chauffeur magazine that year).

Executive Coach Builders (USA) built this Executive
Elite series limousine

Hess & Eisenhardt (USA) a stretched 1989 H&E
limousine was sold for $8,100 at a Kruse auction in Fort Lauderdale, FL, in January 2000
[lot #18]
Superior (USA) Cadillac continued to deliver
commercial chassis to a number of independent coach builders, including this one.

This used model was offeed for sale on Internet in
August, 2004
Moloney (USA) Stretched limousine [photos below]

[Unknown, USA] Stretched limousines (unidentified)

[Unknown, USA] as usual, Cadillac delivered its
highly successful commercial chassis to a number of independent coach builders who
continued to design ambulances,. hearses and combination vehicles. One of these is shown

Eureka (USA) various commercial vehicles for the ambulance and funeral
trades, like the model below

Eureka (USA) various commercial vehicles for the
ambulance and funeral trades, like the S&S model below

Unidentified (USA) hearse

Unidentified (USA)

Hess & Eisenhardt, Inc. (USA) special modified
(stretched) Fleetwood presidential limousine used by the Clinton administration.

Hess & Eisenhardt, Inc. (USA) hearse; this one
is owned/operated by the McSwain & Evans funeral home in Newberry, SC

Johan, Annet and Daphne Geerings on vacation
with the Saunders, October 2001
Krystal Koach Corporation (USA):
Various commercial vehicles for the ambulance and funeral trades, like the model below:

[Unidentified] (USA):

Various manufacturers (USA): as
usual, Cadillac delivered its highly successful commercial chassis to a number of
independent coach builders who continued to design ambulances,. hearses and combination
vehicles. A couple of these are shown below:

[Unknown, USA] Stretched limousine. The photos below
were found on the Internet.

Eureka (USA) Various commercial vehicles for the funeral
industry, like the model below

Funeral landau limousine by Eureka
Hess & Eisenhardt, Inc. (USA) special stretched
funeral limousine; this one is owned/operated by the McSwain & Evans funeral
home in Newberry, SC

Krystal Coach, Inc. (USA) Various
stretched limousines for commercial use, including the "Bristol".
Limousine Werks (USA): Aas above, various stretched corporate
Eagle Coach Corporation (USA) Eagle started building
hearses in Cincinnati, Ohio, after the S&S company (Sayers and Scovill) of Hess &
Eisenhardt was sold and the factory relocated. Eagle Coach still builds hearses in
Amelia, Ohio, and S&S is now part of the Accubuilt Corporation. Accubuilt builds
hearse and limousine bodies under the names of S&S, Superior, Eureka and Miller-Meteor
(M-M) in Lima, Ohio.

Typical Eagle Coupe de Fleur flower car on
Cadillac Fleetwood chassis
Yonezu Kobo (Japan) Custom hearse on Cadillac chassis

[ Photo: Internet: Courtesy Ingo Marx,
German Funeral Archives ]]

1993, Japanese professional car (hearse)
Chicago Armor Co. (USA)
Stretched limousine, seen advertised for sale on e-Bay (Internet) in 2001.
Miller Meteor (USA) Various commercial vehicles for the
ambulance and funeral trades, like the model below

Yonezu Kobo (Japan) Custom hearse, Ocean type A, on
Cadillac chassis

[ Photo: Internet: Courtesy Ingo Marx,
German Funeral Archives ]
manufacturers (USA): as usual, Cadillac delivered its highly successful
commercial chassis to a number of independent coach builders who continued to design
ambulances,. hearses and combination vehicles. One of these is shown below:

Coach Corporation (USA): Various custom vehicles for the funeral industry, like
the example below:

Coupe de Fleur,
flower car by Eagle
(USA) Based on the DeVille platform, the Fleetwood Limited is
being converted by Superior Coaches of Lima, Ohio, and sold through authorized
Cadillac dealers. Essentially a six-inch stretch edition of the DeVille, the Fleetwood
Limited sits on a unique 119.8-inch wheelbase, six inches longer than the standard one.
The trunk is also lengthened by six inches, so the overall length of the Fleetwood
Limited is a foot more than that of the standard DeVille. As a result, rear
seat leg room is increased by six inches to 49.3 inches, while trunk capacity rises from
20 cubic feet to 23.5. In addition to stretching the existing Cadillac platform, the Fleetwood
Limited benefits from a number of strengthened components. Included are heavy-duty
suspension and steering systems, special heavy-duty ABS, and heavy-duty cast aluminum
wheels of a design unique to the Fleetwood Limited. The new model, which is
intended as a replacement for the rear-drive Fleetwood that was discontinued after the
1996 model year, was designed by Earle Moloney, a long-time figure in the custom
conversion industry. Cadillac approached Superior, however, for actual
A total production run of
340 is planned for the 1998 model year. Production for 1999 is anticipated at about 800
units and sources at Superior say that molds and dies are already being planned
to continue the model into Cadillac's next major body change in the model year 2000.
The 1998 Fleetwood Limited carries a base price of $49,995. The full Cadillac
warranty applies, while Superior warrants the body components it is
(USA): This Cadillac Press Release is submitted courtesy of CLC member, John Fleming:
MEXICO MEXICO CITY -- Pope John Paul II will ride in a specially designed 1999 Cadillac
DeVille when he greets a crowd of 100,000 people today at the Estadio Azteca. The Pope
will be escorted around the stadium in the one-of-a-kind DeVille before delivering his
end-of-the-millennium "Address to All Generations." "It's a privilege to
create this special vehicle for the Pope, and it's an affirmation of Cadillac's high
quality, high prestige image that we have had for more than 95 years," said DeVille
Brand Manager Patrick Kemp. "This is a continuation of Cadillac's long history of
providing vehicles for world leaders. Cadillac provides 90 percent of Americans'
diplomatic vehicles at embassies and consulates worldwide." The DeVille has been
modified into a convertible and is specially equipped with an elevated platform for the
papal chair, extra-wide doors, easy-entry steps, and the official seals and flags of the
Vatican. GM de Mexico Design Studio undertook the project's initial stages of converting a
Cadillac DeVille into the papal car. Cadillac then contracted two of its Master Coach
builders, Eureka Coach and Roush Technologies, to complete the conversion. Adaptations
include stretching the vehicle by 30 inches to allow for a widened rear door for the
pontiff's entry and egress; steps leading to the rear door for ease of entry; An elevated
platform for the papal chair to enhance touring and viewing. The platform contains a
hydraulic pneumatic lift that can be raised up to 12 inches; a security handrail
surrounding the platform; Rear seat elevation for enhanced viewing by seated dignitaries
and VIPs. The Cadillac DeVille offers a distinctive blend of comfort and control, a
combination that has made it the best-selling luxury car in North America for the past 14
years. Standard DeVille features include the powerful Northstar V8 engine, one of the most
powerful in its class; StabiliTrak, designed to improve the vehicle's stability on all
surfaces at all speeds; and Magnasteer, a speed-sensitive steering system that varies the
amount of steering effort in proportion to vehicle speed.

[ Photos: © 2001,
Yann Saunders ]
Hess &
Eisenhardt (USA) continued making various commercial vehicles for the ambulance
and funeral trades, like the model below from then McSwain funeral home in Newberry, SC.

[ Photos: © 2001, Yann Saunders (below:
Masterpiece logo plate and coach lamp of this gorgeous series) ]

Krystal Enterprises (aka Krystal
Koach), USA of Brea, California are builders of a number of fine conversions on
the modern Cadillac chassis. A couple of them are shown below. You can visit their Website
at: http://www.krystalkoach.com/home.html.
There you will find a photo of other stretched Cadillacs as well as their all new,
2001 Cadillac hearse.

Hearse (1999?) by Krystal Coach of Brea, CA
on Cadillac chassis
[thanks to Robert Keltz of Scottsdale, AZ, for identifying this one]

Looking at the background in this photo, I am
guessing that this
stretched limousine too is a product of the Krystal Koach company
manufacturers (USA): as usual, Cadillac delivered its highly successful
commercial chassis to a number of independent coach builders who continued to design
ambulances,. hearses and combination vehicles.
Classic Limousines (USA) one more stretched job (airport

Eagle Coach Company (USA) Database visitor, Robert
Keltz, helped identify this car as a funeral coach built by Eagle Coach Company
of Amelia, Ohio. It is viewable also at the Web page of the hearse dealership of
W.R. Bennett Funeral Coaches (http://www.hearse.com/eagle.html).
The Eagle Coach Company too have their own Web page at this URL: http://www.eaglecoachcompany.com

Superior (USA) various professional coaches for the
ambulance and funeral trades, like the examples below:

[Unidentified, USA] The custom job below has yet to be

Unidentified (USA) custom, stretched Classic

The Mirage, stretched limousine, for 2000
Yonezu Kobo (Japan) Custom hearse, Ocean type A, on
Cadillac chassis

[ Photo: Internet: Courtesy Ingo Marx,
German Funeral Archives ]
New Presidential limousine [2001]:
In the Washington Post for January 16, 2001, there was a 3/4
frontal view of the new presidential limousine on a stretched FWD Deville chassis of a
more conventional appearance than the "glass palace" of the RWD '93 Fleetwoods.
The roof is higher than the current production sedan and the side windows are not as
shallow as the production car. However, the side windows seem far from being as deep
as they are on the current Limousines, and more like those on the '89 Lincoln limousine
that the '93s replaced.
This info was not to be released to the press until January 20, 2000;
however, the car was delivered a few days early and the President, a man not famous for
keeping his impulses in check, insisted on taking it for a spin on Monday, hence the photo
in the Post. The cat being out of the bag, the Post story was published earlier than
intended. Below is the official release from Cadillac [info from ZTV,
Cadillac Limousine Arrives at White House
WASHINGTON ¤ The White House represents the pinnacle of power, prestige and
elegance. Cadillac embraces these qualities and is proud to have built a state-of-the-art
limousine for the first chief executive of the new millennium.
The 2001 Cadillac DeVille Limousine was delivered to the White House for initial use in
the Presidential Inaugural Parade, January 20. It is the first Cadillac to adorn the
division's new wreath and crest emblem.
"Cadillac is an American icon and we have had a long association with the U.S.
government," said General Motors President and CEO Rick Wagoner. "Over six
decades, we have served our country in a unique way by providing special vehicles and
limousines for U.S. diplomats and foreign dignitaries."
The new limousine has the exterior appearance of the 2001 DeVille production models with
all new and unique construction under the skin. Handcrafted and dressed in a black
clearcoat finish, the limousine is considerably longer, wider and taller than the
production models. To maintain national security,
the limousines are equipped with state-of-the-art protection and communication systems.
Cadillac's patented Night Vision infrared object detection system is also installed in the
The vehicle interior boasts seven-passenger seating with improved comfort and visibility
for all occupants. Many of the interior cues including the instrument panel and trim
-- are the same or similar to the 2001 DeVille. Wood accents and rich blue leather and
cloth complete the executive interior. A rear seat executive package featuring a
concealed, foldaway desktop can be deployed when conducting affairs of state. The rear
seats have an adjustable reclining feature and Cadillac adaptive seat system for added
comfort. Moreover, rear seat passengers can enjoy their own premium sound system
complete with a 10-disc CD changer.
An embroidered presidential seal is positioned in the center of the rear seat
back panel, as well as on each rear door trim panel. Presidential seals are also affixed
to the exterior rear doors. The U.S. flag is placed on the right front fender, and the
presidential standard is located on the left front fender. Flush- mounted spotlights
located in the fenders illuminate the flags at night.
The new 2001 Cadillac DeVille is the ultimate automotive accomplishment. Cadillac General
Manager Michael J. O'Malley states, "Just as Air Force One is a flying Oval Office,
this new Cadillac provides the same amenities for our nation's leader while traveling on
the ground."

Most prior presidential limousines had some eye
in the opinion of this writer, however, this one has none;
dig those ugly "A", "B", "C" and "D"
New 'First Caddy' on Duty at White House
DETROIT--A new mailing address wasn't all George W. Bush got with his
inauguration on Saturday. The new president also received new wheels--a
brand new stretched 2001 Cadillac DeVille full of high-tech gadgetry. The
seven-seat presidential limousine was hand-built by the GM Specialty Vehicle Group.
Aside from its length, it looks at first glance pretty much like a
production DeVille. This one, however, is taller, wider, heavily armored and bristling
with communications gear. It even has Cadillac's patented infrared Night Vision system,
although the camera lens is hidden and doesn't peek out from the center of the grille as
it does on ordinary DeVilles. Cadillac says the new presidential limo is the most
technologically advanced car in the world. The car maker won't give details about
bulletproofing and other capabilities, "for security reasons," said
Cadillac spokeswoman. Cindy Kamerad. But Cadillac General Manager Michael O'Malley said
that, just as Air Force One is a flying Oval Office, the new limo "provides the same
amenities for our nation's leader while traveling on the ground." So assume that
President Bush has enough satellite communications technology at his fingertips to wage
war from the back seat. Inside, there are wood accents similar to those in
production DeVilles, and rich blue leather and cloth upholstery. A 10-disc CD
changer and premium stereo system will let Bush relax to classical music or the country
sounds he is said to favor. The presidential seal is embroidered on the center of
the rear seat back and emblazoned on the outside of the rear doors. Cadillac won't
say how many of the specialty limos were delivered to the White House, but U.S. presidents
typically have at least two, so that one can be sent ahead and be waiting for the chief
executive during travel stops. The new limousine replaces the Cadillac Fleetwood
Brougham delivered to President Clinton upon his inauguration in 1993 [shown on this page] and is one of a long line
of Cadillacs pressed into presidential service. (The new president's father, George H.W.
Bush, used a Lincoln limo during his 1989-93 administration). Woodrow Wilson was one of
the first presidents to use a Caddy--he rode in one during a World War I victory rally in
1918 [shown in "Cars of the
Stars" section, Part 2]. President Calvin Coolidge used
a lavish 1928 Cadillac town car [photo(s) needed].
And in 1938, two Cadillacs were put into service and lasted through the presidencies
of Franklin D. Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman and into the first term of Dwight D.
Eisenhower [shown in the
"V-16" section, survivors of 1938-1940]. In 1956, a pair
of Cadillac convertibles joined the White House motor pool [lots of photos in the section on "Dream
Cars", 1956], which over the years has also included a number
of Lincolns. GM's next new presidential limo was a 1984 DeVille used by Ronald
Reagan during his second term [shown
in the "Dream Cars" section, 1984]. George H.W.
Bush's Lincoln came next, replaced in the Clinton White House in 1993 by a Caddy Fleetwood [shown on this page].
Cadillac pioneered the use of GM's OnStar wireless navigation, rescue and
entertainment service, which is now available in a variety of GM vehicles. But
the company is mum on whether the new presidential limo has OnStar. So no word yet
whether, as with Batman in the Batmobile, there will be any OnStar commercials featuring
the Prezmobile.
Empire Coach, USA [stretched
Escalade, white, US flag]
[Unknown, USA] These
stretched limousines was found on the Internet in 2001:

[Unknown, USA] Here
is another wild custom Cadillac Escalade. Everything is big in Texas;
here's the living proof!

[Photo: Internet, 2/2001]
[Unknown, USA] And
if you think that is bad enough, how about this?

[...Cadillac's 100th Anniversary Year]
Unidentified late model professional

[...just for the hell of it!]

2003 Cadillac Attitude interiors

~~~ The End ~~~
