Car Body #181

As of Jan. 19, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #181 was owned in the late seventies by George Varnell of Humble, TX. It turned up again for sale on the Internet in August 2003 with an asking price of $52,500 (then dropped to $49,800). Check out this Website for more details. Thanks again to Brougham sleuth, Jerry Jannson, for bringing it to the attention of the Cadillac Database. Late Extra [4/2005]: this car is in Chicago but will soon be on its way to Auckland, New Zealand. It will be the first Brougham in that country. It was acquired by enthusiasts Richard & Judy Glasson whom Gita and I had the pleasure of meeting during our 2-month tour of Australasia in March-April, 2005.

Car Body #181

[Feb.01.2017] Car #181 was owned in the late seventies by George Varnell of Humble, TX. It turned up again for sale on the Internet in August 2003 with an asking price of $52,500 (then dropped to $49,800). Check out this Website for more details. Thanks again to Brougham sleuth, Jerry Jannson, for bringing it to the attention of the Cadillac Database. Late Extra [4/2005]: this car is in Chicago but will soon be on its way to Auckland, New Zealand. It will be the first Brougham in that country. It was acquired by enthusiasts Richard & Judy Glasson whom Gita and I had the pleasure of meeting during our 2-month tour of Australasia in March-April, 2005.