Survivors Content

Eldorado Brougham Albums Updated

An update has recently been added to the 1957 Eldorado Brougham survivors registry for car #80
Posted: Jul 23, 2024

V16 Albums Updated

An update has recently been added to the 1930 V16 survivors registry for car #700045
Posted: Jul 23, 2024

New Website Features

New Car Hallucinations Service

You can now purchase a 'Car-hallucination' image that makes use of machine learning technology to create an artistic 'hallucination' of your collectible Cadillac survivor for a one-time fee of $10.00 USD.
Posted: Jun 2, 2024

New Contribution Features

A new contribution feature was added to make it easier for contributors to contribute content to the survivors page. Contributors can now add new content or update existing content. To contribute to the survivors page, please register here and select the "Contributor" role. Your application will be reviewed by the (New) Cadillac Database administrator. Once approved, you will be able to contribute to the survivor page(s) you selected.
Posted: Jun 2, 2024

RSS and Atom Feeds Added

RSS and Atom feeds were added. You can now subscribe to the New Cadillac Database RSS and Atom feeds. Click on the RSS icon, select a category and generate the RSS or Atom link to subscribe.
Posted: Jun 2, 2024

New Updates Page

Check out the latest updates on the new NCDB Updates page.
Posted: Jun 2, 2024

New QR Code Service

You can now purchase a QR Code Annual Subscription for your collectible Cadillac survivor that links directly to your survivor on the New Cadillac Database website.
Posted: Jun 2, 2024

Survivors Albums Management Improved

The survivor registry for the Eldorados from 1953 to 1966 were updated to provide a summary and timeline feature. The summary album displays the albums from all contributions. The timeline albums display individual albums from each contribution update. The 1960 Brougham #100 Survivor illustrates an example of these features. These new features will apply to all survivors' albums going forward.
Posted: Jun 2, 2024

Website Updates

There are no recent updates.