Car Body #184

As of Jan. 19, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #184 is ownedby 'Fred', a visitor to the Database in February 2001; he said: Hello! I likeyour web page and database for the 1957-58 Broughams; you might add two more to it if youlike; I have #184 (this one is a parts car . Fredhad also #701; he sold it in 2003. Late extra [10/2005]: Got this eMail message fromElliot Imeson, the new owner : I purchased the car from Fred in March of 2004 and havebeen working on restoring it since that time. The sheet metal in the body was in goodcondition except for the floors. I have since replaced all of the floors and trunk floors.I have restored the air suspension and am in the process of re-assembling the frame. Witha lot of work I hope to have the body back on the frame some time in the spring of 2006.Thanks for your time and I will keep you updated as I progress. Well, Elliot, Isay keep up the good work and keep us posted. You'll be pleased to know that Ielevated #184 from 'parts car' to full 'survivor' status.Car #185 was not previously listed here; the car islocated currently in Melbourne, Australia. The picture was kindly sent by Tim Stevens; hesays both cars are roadworthy. Tim is from Melbourne but lives in Belgium; he is familiarwith this car(as well as with 1958 Brougham #551, 1959Brougham #41 and 1960 Broughams #32,#70, #73and #99, all owned by the same person).

Car Body #184

[Feb.01.2017] Car #184 is ownedby 'Fred', a visitor to the Database in February 2001; he said: Hello! I likeyour web page and database for the 1957-58 Broughams; you might add two more to it if youlike; I have #184 (this one is a parts car . Fredhad also #701; he sold it in 2003. Late extra [10/2005]: Got this eMail message fromElliot Imeson, the new owner : I purchased the car from Fred in March of 2004 and havebeen working on restoring it since that time. The sheet metal in the body was in goodcondition except for the floors. I have since replaced all of the floors and trunk floors.I have restored the air suspension and am in the process of re-assembling the frame. Witha lot of work I hope to have the body back on the frame some time in the spring of 2006.Thanks for your time and I will keep you updated as I progress. Well, Elliot, Isay keep up the good work and keep us posted. You'll be pleased to know that Ielevated #184 from 'parts car' to full 'survivor' status.Car #185 was not previously listed here; the car islocated currently in Melbourne, Australia. The picture was kindly sent by Tim Stevens; hesays both cars are roadworthy. Tim is from Melbourne but lives in Belgium; he is familiarwith this car(as well as with 1958 Brougham #551, 1959Brougham #41 and 1960 Broughams #32,#70, #73and #99, all owned by the same person).