Car Body #185

As of Jan. 19, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] This car was not previously listed here; the car is located currently in Melbourne, Australia. The picture was kindly sent by Tim Stevens; he says both cars are road worthy. Tim is from Melbourne but lives in Belgium; he is familiar with this car (as well as with 1958 Brougham #551, 1959 Brougham #41 and 1960 Broughams #32, #70, #73 and #99, all owned by the same person).

Car Body #185

[Feb.01.2017] This car was not previously listed here; the car is located currently in Melbourne, Australia. The picture was kindly sent by Tim Stevens; he says both cars are road worthy. Tim is from Melbourne but lives in Belgium; he is familiar with this car (as well as with 1958 Brougham #551, 1959 Brougham #41 and 1960 Broughams #32, #70, #73 and #99, all owned by the same person).