As of Jan. 19, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:
[Feb.01.2017] Car #172 is currently in Sweden, where it arrived recently (April, 2004) according to aficionados Kjell Kraakmoand Jerry Jansson. It had been on my list of survivors since the mid-seventies but with no indication of location or condition. This car is on regular springs (converted in the60s). Repainted from black to red (possible also in the sixties), the car carries thefollowing paint indications next to the body tag: PAINT - RUBY MAR ? A1838M - R&MALPHA CRYL - DOWNING MOTORS. Enthusiast, Stephen Kirkwood, has been able to provide some of the history of this car. He wrote [Dec. 2006]: I recently met and befriended Mr. Glen Cole of Alexandria, Virginia (he belongs to the Potomac Region CLC). He owned 2 Eldorado Broughams for many years and, in 2004, sold them to the 'mysterious' Swede who is buying up so many ['Mr B', whose cars are or were being restored by Hans Emeren of Autocraft in Vikarbyn, Sweden]. Neither one was listed in the CyStrickler surveys of the 70s. EB #172 was purchased by Mr. Cole in 1969 from a gas station on Lee Highway, Falls Church, Virginia. It was still on air ride and had most of its vanities. The car had been owned for years by a judge in Atlanta, Georgia (installed on the dash was a name plate reading: 'Judge Martin McFarland'). The other car is #608.
[Feb.01.2017] Car #172 is currently in Sweden, where it arrived recently (April, 2004) according to aficionados Kjell Kraakmoand Jerry Jansson. It had been on my list of survivors since the mid-seventies but with no indication of location or condition. This car is on regular springs (converted in the60s). Repainted from black to red (possible also in the sixties), the car carries thefollowing paint indications next to the body tag: PAINT - RUBY MAR ? A1838M - R&MALPHA CRYL - DOWNING MOTORS. Enthusiast, Stephen Kirkwood, has been able to provide some of the history of this car. He wrote [Dec. 2006]: I recently met and befriended Mr. Glen Cole of Alexandria, Virginia (he belongs to the Potomac Region CLC). He owned 2 Eldorado Broughams for many years and, in 2004, sold them to the 'mysterious' Swede who is buying up so many ['Mr B', whose cars are or were being restored by Hans Emeren of Autocraft in Vikarbyn, Sweden]. Neither one was listed in the CyStrickler surveys of the 70s. EB #172 was purchased by Mr. Cole in 1969 from a gas station on Lee Highway, Falls Church, Virginia. It was still on air ride and had most of its vanities. The car had been owned for years by a judge in Atlanta, Georgia (installed on the dash was a name plate reading: 'Judge Martin McFarland'). The other car is #608.