Car Body #167

As of March 7, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #167 had specially dyed gray Karakul nylon carpet. It has survived. In the late seventies itwas owned by Rudy Stahl, an early member of the BOA. At that time Rudy owned also Broughams #157, 241 and 520. Anarticle on one of Rudy's car's was featured in C&P. Feb. 1979, pp.10-15. That car appears to have had all the vanity items. The car currently is painted dark blue and is owned by Graham Saggers, a British enthusiast (this update from another Brougham enthusiast in England, Andy Kerby Jones, car #197).

Car Body #167

[Feb.01.2017] Car #167 had specially dyed gray Karakul nylon carpet. It has survived. In the late seventies itwas owned by Rudy Stahl, an early member of the BOA. At that time Rudy owned also Broughams #157, 241 and 520. Anarticle on one of Rudy's car's was featured in C&P. Feb. 1979, pp.10-15. That car appears to have had all the vanity items. The car currently is painted dark blue and is owned by Graham Saggers, a British enthusiast (this update from another Brougham enthusiast in England, Andy Kerby Jones, car #197).