Car Body #175

As of Jan. 19, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #175 was brought to my knowledge simultaneously by an enthusiast in Belgium and a used car vendor in Germany who acquired the car in France and is importing it to Germany for sale. It is one of fourteen 1957 Broughams that was exported; the original destination is unknown but I suspect it may have been Canada or Mexico; the owner believes it was later acquired by a collector in the south of France, about 15 years ago. As you can see from the photos, it is far from perfect. It is no longer on air and the condition of the engine is unknown. This car is one of six that were painted Maharani Maroon (oxblood) in 1957 [paint code 152] (cars #71, 77, 108, 175,292 and 374 -- cars #71 and#108 are not known to have survived). Trim is plain broad cloth and leather in beige [code #444] and the car originally had the lamb skin carpet [code #2]. It sports a set of gold-toned, cast alloysabre-spoke wheels that appear to be in better condition than the car. I am hoping to get more details in the coming weeks. Update [1/2004]:Martin Kresse, an enthusiast from near Karlsruhe, in Germany, has had a close look at the car, which is currently [1/2004] located in Roeschwoog, France, just a20-minute drive across the border from Martin's home. From the many photos Martinsent of the car, it will require much devotion and many Deutsche marks on the part of any buyer (including possibly Martin ?!?!) to put this one back into fine shape. Markyou, Martin ...I've seen worse!

Car Body #175

[Feb.01.2017] Car #175 was brought to my knowledge simultaneously by an enthusiast in Belgium and a used car vendor in Germany who acquired the car in France and is importing it to Germany for sale. It is one of fourteen 1957 Broughams that was exported; the original destination is unknown but I suspect it may have been Canada or Mexico; the owner believes it was later acquired by a collector in the south of France, about 15 years ago. As you can see from the photos, it is far from perfect. It is no longer on air and the condition of the engine is unknown. This car is one of six that were painted Maharani Maroon (oxblood) in 1957 [paint code 152] (cars #71, 77, 108, 175,292 and 374 -- cars #71 and#108 are not known to have survived). Trim is plain broad cloth and leather in beige [code #444] and the car originally had the lamb skin carpet [code #2]. It sports a set of gold-toned, cast alloysabre-spoke wheels that appear to be in better condition than the car. I am hoping to get more details in the coming weeks. Update [1/2004]:Martin Kresse, an enthusiast from near Karlsruhe, in Germany, has had a close look at the car, which is currently [1/2004] located in Roeschwoog, France, just a20-minute drive across the border from Martin's home. From the many photos Martinsent of the car, it will require much devotion and many Deutsche marks on the part of any buyer (including possibly Martin ?!?!) to put this one back into fine shape. Markyou, Martin ...I've seen worse!