Car Body #96

As of Dec. 22, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #96 was formerly owned by a Mr. Pessalano and subsequently by a friend of mine in Ohio. It was listed for sale in the CLC Self  Starter issue for April, 2002; it had a reported 30K miles on the odometer and the asking price was $35K. I believe it was sold. The interior trim was custom ordered in black and white leather; the instrument panel cover, armrests and seat inserts were trimmed in black leather [I had this one listed in error as a parts car until 4/2002].

Car Body #96

[Feb.01.2017] Car #96 was formerly owned by a Mr. Pessalano and subsequently by a friend of mine in Ohio. It was listed for sale in the CLC Self  Starter issue for April, 2002; it had a reported 30K miles on the odometer and the asking price was $35K. I believe it was sold. The interior trim was custom ordered in black and white leather; the instrument panel cover, armrests and seat inserts were trimmed in black leather [I had this one listed in error as a parts car until 4/2002].