Car Body #99

As of Dec. 22, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #99 was once owned by '59 Cadillacenthusiast Jean-Claude Ansquer [see also #98, above].I have included it here as a survivor although it ' evolved' into a parts car,like #98, as may be seen in the photos, below. It was a partof the Brougham inventory of Ed Pentesco, who bought it from Don Chaffin. Ed confirmed in 2005 that the car was totally parted out and scrapped in September,2003 [four down and 95 to go!].

Car Body #99

[Feb.01.2017] Car #99 was once owned by '59 Cadillacenthusiast Jean-Claude Ansquer [see also #98, above].I have included it here as a survivor although it ' evolved' into a parts car,like #98, as may be seen in the photos, below. It was a partof the Brougham inventory of Ed Pentesco, who bought it from Don Chaffin. Ed confirmed in 2005 that the car was totally parted out and scrapped in September,2003 [four down and 95 to go!].