Car Body #76

As of Sept. 17, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #76 [NEW, 4/2007]; wasa known survivor but had been lost from sight for almost 30 years. ShawnDougan of Hyman Ltd. Classic Cars informed me that the car was in that company'spossession, along with #16 (above). I am hoping to getmore information about it, as well as a couple of pics for the survivors' roster in thenear future.

Car Body #76

[Feb.01.2017] Car #76 [NEW, 4/2007]; wasa known survivor but had been lost from sight for almost 30 years. ShawnDougan of Hyman Ltd. Classic Cars informed me that the car was in that company'spossession, along with #16 (above). I am hoping to getmore information about it, as well as a couple of pics for the survivors' roster in thenear future.