Car Body #81

As of Dec. 30, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Mar.18.2022] Update November 2020 - Car #81 sold for $54,000 at auction in a GAA auction in Greenboro, N.C. Not many photos or much description is available, although the car had a grey exterior and white leather interior.

[Feb.01.2017] Car #81 was offered for sale in Las Vegas in the first quarter, 1998; no price was given. It was said to be in condition #4 and comes with five excellent hub caps.

Car Body #81

[Mar.18.2022] Update November 2020 - Car #81 sold for $54,000 at auction in a GAA auction in Greenboro, N.C. Not many photos or much description is available, although the car had a grey exteror and white leather interior.

[Feb.01.2017] Car #81 was offered for sale in Las Vegas in the first quarter, 1998; no price was given. It was said to be in condition #4 and comes with five excellent hub caps.