Car Body #71

As of Dec. 21, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #71 isbelieved to have been parted out. Enthusiast David King wrote, in November 2005,that he had acquired a large cache of parts from another enthusiast, Steve Barnett (ex-#563). Among them were many from this car, including the oilchange and ID tag from the driver's door jamb.. David was wondering if the strippedchassis or body had survived. If anyone has the answer, let me know through theDatabase Guest Book.

Car Body #71

[Feb.01.2017] Car #71 isbelieved to have been parted out. Enthusiast David King wrote, in November 2005,that he had acquired a large cache of parts from another enthusiast, Steve Barnett (ex-#563). Among them were many from this car, including the oilchange and ID tag from the driver's door jamb.. David was wondering if the strippedchassis or body had survived. If anyone has the answer, let me know through theDatabase Guest Book.