Car Body #55

As of Dec. 22, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #55 is currently reported in France; I have it on the roster of survivors since the mid-seventies, but with no indication of its whereabouts. Mr. Branthomme, the current owner who resides in a provincial town south west of Paris tells me it was owned formerly by the French artist Armand, now a resident of the USA. The car is in reasonably good condition but has been convertedto coil springs; none of the vanity items remain. This one was shipped originally to Texas. The present owner has also 1960 Brougham #72, the one that belonged first to the Emir of Qatar, then to aFrench postal worker. He picked it up in the South of France in summer, 2001.

Car Body #55

[Feb.01.2017] Car #55 is currently reported in France; I have it on the roster of survivors since the mid-seventies, but with no indication of its whereabouts. Mr. Branthomme, the current owner who resides in a provincial town south west of Paris tells me it was owned formerly by the French artist Armand, now a resident of the USA. The car is in reasonably good condition but has been convertedto coil springs; none of the vanity items remain. This one was shipped originally to Texas. The present owner has also 1960 Brougham #72, the one that belonged first to the Emir of Qatar, then to aFrench postal worker. He picked it up in the South of France in summer, 2001.