Car Body #57

As of Dec. 22, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #57 awas known to have survived but its whereabouts since the midseventies were not known. Lateextra (7/2009): aficionado AndrzejBujalski from Poland brought it to my attention when he noticed it for sale in the Chicagoarea for $100 short of $50K. There were no pics fithe cassified ad.

Car Body #57

[Feb.01.2017] Car #57 awas known to have survived but its whereabouts since the midseventies were not known. Lateextra (7/2009): aficionado AndrzejBujalski from Poland brought it to my attention when he noticed it for sale in the Chicagoarea for $100 short of $50K. There were no pics fithe cassified ad.