Car Body #325

As of Jan. 15, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #325 has survived. It was acquired in the Fall of 2006 (along with FOUR other Broughams - #222, 594, 648 and 697) by enthusiast, Robert Titone. In collector car circles, the four remaining cars may qualify only as 'parts cars'. On the other hand, Bob is hoping to restore this one for himself. He may sell or part out the others in due course. This one was originally painted Kenya Beige, which appears at odds with its original blue interior trim; the current, blue repaint is definitely more appropriate.

Car Body #325

[Feb.01.2017] Car #325 has survived. It was acquired in the Fall of 2006 (along with FOUR other Broughams - #222, 594, 648 and 697) by enthusiast, Robert Titone. In collector car circles, the four remaining cars may qualify only as 'parts cars'. On the other hand, Bob is hoping to restore this one for himself. He may sell or part out the others in due course. This one was originally painted Kenya Beige, which appears at odds with its original blue interior trim; the current, blue repaint is definitely more appropriate.