Car Body #320

As of Jan. 15, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #320 was owned in the late seventies by Virginia Antia of Locust Valley, NY. Late Extra (3/1991): In the (new) BOA Newsletter, Vol. 3, #1(Spring 1991) the car was offered for sale for $79.5K by Jerry Schantz (he was offeringalso #319, above). The ad stated that the car was 2 months from completion of a 'frame off, every nut and bolt restoration'. All vanity items - except the rare perfume atomizer - were included. Latest (9/2003): Thanks to Jerry Jansson in Sweden, I learned that the car is now located in Australia. It was offered to its owner, Jeff, for $99K Australian (i.e. circa $65K US). Nice looking car, Jeff, but I would hesitate to purchase it without seeing and driving it. That's a lot of moolah!

Car Body #320

[Feb.01.2017] Car #320 was owned in the late seventies by Virginia Antia of Locust Valley, NY. Late Extra (3/1991): In the (new) BOA Newsletter, Vol. 3, #1(Spring 1991) the car was offered for sale for $79.5K by Jerry Schantz (he was offeringalso #319, above). The ad stated that the car was 2 months from completion of a 'frame off, every nut and bolt restoration'. All vanity items - except the rare perfume atomizer - were included. Latest (9/2003): Thanks to Jerry Jansson in Sweden, I learned that the car is now located in Australia. It was offered to its owner, Jeff, for $99K Australian (i.e. circa $65K US). Nice looking car, Jeff, but I would hesitate to purchase it without seeing and driving it. That's a lot of moolah!