As of Jan. 15, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:
[Feb.01.2017] Car #328 was delivered first to California although later it spent some time in Idaho where it was owned in the late seventies by A. Neal Deatley of Lewiston. In January, 1995, this Brougham was sold at the annual Barrett-Jackson auction in Scottsdale, AZ. The engine number was shown correctly as #5770-140310 but that is NOT the number listed in CyStrickler's earliest roster (he has #146810). I am assuming, therefore, that a typowas made when preparing the first typescript from manuscript notes; it is indeed possible, in my opinion, that a poorly handwritten '0' (third digit) could be taken for a'6', and a scribbled '3' (fourth digit) might equally pass for an'8'. Even though this Brougham was built in 1957, still it is is painted 'Desert Bronze', a 1958 Eldorado color [code #98]; Barrett-Jackson described it as 'rose'. This car was on sale again in June, 2001, by the Peterson Museum of Los Angeles; there was no reserve. The car changed hands again, after that. The new owner, Mr. Kirk Wentland, CLC member #589 from California called in April, 2003, to inform me that had acquired the car recently from 'a friend of a friend' who had got it from the museum. Kirk says that the pictures, below, do reflect closely the car's real color. Among the vanities that came with the car were the metallic tumblers, the cigarette case and a 1-ounce bottle of Arpège Extrait deLanvin ...without the atomizer top! The car also has mouton carpets although the '1' at the end of the trim code [#424] suggests that it had originally theblack, Karakul nylon carpet. The mouton looks original to Kirk, so it would be interesting to get the car's built sheet to check it out.
[Feb.01.2017] Car #328 was delivered first to California although later it spent some time in Idaho where it was owned in the late seventies by A. Neal Deatley of Lewiston. In January, 1995, this Brougham was sold at the annual Barrett-Jackson auction in Scottsdale, AZ. The engine number was shown correctly as #5770-140310 but that is NOT the number listed in CyStrickler's earliest roster (he has #146810). I am assuming, therefore, that a typowas made when preparing the first typescript from manuscript notes; it is indeed possible, in my opinion, that a poorly handwritten '0' (third digit) could be taken for a'6', and a scribbled '3' (fourth digit) might equally pass for an'8'. Even though this Brougham was built in 1957, still it is is painted 'Desert Bronze', a 1958 Eldorado color [code #98]; Barrett-Jackson described it as 'rose'. This car was on sale again in June, 2001, by the Peterson Museum of Los Angeles; there was no reserve. The car changed hands again, after that. The new owner, Mr. Kirk Wentland, CLC member #589 from California called in April, 2003, to inform me that had acquired the car recently from 'a friend of a friend' who had got it from the museum. Kirk says that the pictures, below, do reflect closely the car's real color. Among the vanities that came with the car were the metallic tumblers, the cigarette case and a 1-ounce bottle of Arpège Extrait deLanvin ...without the atomizer top! The car also has mouton carpets although the '1' at the end of the trim code [#424] suggests that it had originally theblack, Karakul nylon carpet. The mouton looks original to Kirk, so it would be interesting to get the car's built sheet to check it out.