Car Body #25

As of Dec. 22, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] This car was owned in the late seventies by George Allgood of GA. George had a number of Broughams including many parts cars (1957-58: 134, 174, 234, 249, 278, 330, 487, 494, 573 and 646. For 1959 he had this car and for 1960 car #38, plus one other). The car was later owned by Mr. Hickock and ended up in the collection of a friend in Ohio.

[2012]: The car was purchased by a new owner who wishes to remain anonymous. It is undergoing a full restoration.

Car Body #25

[Feb.01.2017] This car was owned in the late seventies by George Allgood of GA. George had a number of Broughams including many parts cars (1957-58: 134, 174, 234, 249, 278, 330, 487, 494, 573 and 646. For 1959 he had this car and for 1960 car #38, plus one other). The car was later owned by Mr. Hickock and ended up in the collection of a friend in Ohio.

[2012]: The car was purchased by a new owner who wishes to remain anonymous. It is undergoing a full restoration.