
As of March 12, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] [Unknown car #] Note: the car number is not valid, however, we do not currently have a car number for this particular vehicle.

My friends Magali and Genevieve Keyaerts, owners of the Robert KeyaertsCadillac Museum at Langeais, near Tours, in France, own a white '58 Brougham.Number, anyone?


[Feb.01.2017] [Unknown car #] Note: the car number is not valid, however, we do not currently have a car number for this particular vehicle.

My friends Magali and Genevieve Keyaerts, owners of the Robert KeyaertsCadillac Museum at Langeais, near Tours, in France, own a white '58 Brougham.Number, anyone?