
As of March 12, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] [Unknown car #] Note: the car number is not valid, however, we do not currently have a car number for this particular vehicle.

Enthusiast, Scott Lord,' saw a 1958 Eldorado Brougham in the NY TimesMagazine for March 19, 2000.' It was owned by Mr. Robin Baron, design director for PeriscopeSportswear.' From the picture, the car appeared to be in excellent cond...


[Feb.01.2017] [Unknown car #] Note: the car number is not valid, however, we do not currently have a car number for this particular vehicle.

Enthusiast, Scott Lord,' saw a 1958 Eldorado Brougham in the NY TimesMagazine for March 19, 2000.' It was owned by Mr. Robin Baron, design director for PeriscopeSportswear.' From the picture, the car appeared to be in excellent cond...