As of Feb. 17, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:
[May.01.2009] Car #661' ' was known to be a survivor and has been listed here for 35 years.' However, it's whereabouts, until now [May, 2009] were unknown. It was acquired by Bo Bolino, President of World Motorsports in las Vegas.' He wrote: I, just purchased #661 ... added it to my 57 EB #258 ... I think this car has been in storage at least 30 years?? Tons of NOS parts in the car ... Have 4 original' hubcaps still in unopened boxes!!! When I finally got all the parts out of the back seat, I found the original mirrror & notepad!! ' WOW' ... Car still on Air ... I found lots of NOS Air suspension parts ... can't count 'em all ... Check out some of these pics ... More pics to come .. THIS WAS A FIND!!!! I bought it from a guy in Sacramento, CA who purchased it last year from the original owner's estate ... They told my he used to drive it around town, so the motor had a lot of sludge, so he put a different engine in the car. I have the complete original matching #s engine & all the air suspension parts!!! Even have NOS bellows for the air ride!!! I will be rebuilding them!!! The car was in Ontario,CA ... I found a lot of receipts with the name Stearns??? Maybe that was the owners name??? Also, there are a lot of receipts from Santa Monica, CA??? I will keep you posted as to the progress.' Thanks Bo, and congratulations on this rare find.
[May.01.2009] Car #661' ' was known to be a survivor and has been listed here for 35 years.' However, it's whereabouts, until now [May, 2009] were unknown. It was acquired by Bo Bolino, President of World Motorsports in las Vegas.' He wrote: I, just purchased #661 ... added it to my 57 EB #258 ... I think this car has been in storage at least 30 years?? Tons of NOS parts in the car ... Have 4 original' hubcaps still in unopened boxes!!! When I finally got all the parts out of the back seat, I found the original mirrror & notepad!! ' WOW' ... Car still on Air ... I found lots of NOS Air suspension parts ... can't count 'em all ... Check out some of these pics ... More pics to come .. THIS WAS A FIND!!!! I bought it from a guy in Sacramento, CA who purchased it last year from the original owner's estate ... They told my he used to drive it around town, so the motor had a lot of sludge, so he put a different engine in the car. I have the complete original matching #s engine & all the air suspension parts!!! Even have NOS bellows for the air ride!!! I will be rebuilding them!!! The car was in Ontario,CA ... I found a lot of receipts with the name Stearns??? Maybe that was the owners name??? Also, there are a lot of receipts from Santa Monica, CA??? I will keep you posted as to the progress.' Thanks Bo, and congratulations on this rare find.