Car Body #654

As of Dec. 21, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #654 is now known to have survived. It is special in that it was the only car of the 1958 production to have been painted Cobalt Blue, a very dark, metallic navy blue. This was not a regular Brougham color but was included, nonetheless, on the palette for the regular Cadillac models of1958 [code #26]. Enthusiast owner, David King [car #615] informed me in December, 2007, that the car had been sold by another Cadillac enthusiast, William Lamb, to a collector in Michigan. Perhaps we will hear more about this car soon.

Car Body #654

[Feb.01.2017] Car #654 is now known to have survived. It is special in that it was the only car of the 1958 production to have been painted Cobalt Blue, a very dark, metallic navy blue. This was not a regular Brougham color but was included, nonetheless, on the palette for the regular Cadillac models of1958 [code #26]. Enthusiast owner, David King [car #615] informed me in December, 2007, that the car had been sold by another Cadillac enthusiast, William Lamb, to a collector in Michigan. Perhaps we will hear more about this car soon.