Car Body #651

As of Oct. 15, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #651 was offeredfor sale by BOA member Ken Ward, in late 1999, for $35,000.' This car has 34K miles,coil springs, perfect glass and roof and black mouton carpeting. Ken still had the car forsale in November, 2001; the price was down to $30,000. This car is described as ' theJohn Foster Dulles car' . Late Extra [8/2008]:According to Michael Brooks, the car is under new ownership to a Mr. Ken Alflen who isrestoring it.

Car Body #651

[Feb.01.2017] Car #651 was offeredfor sale by BOA member Ken Ward, in late 1999, for $35,000.' This car has 34K miles,coil springs, perfect glass and roof and black mouton carpeting. Ken still had the car forsale in November, 2001; the price was down to $30,000. This car is described as ' theJohn Foster Dulles car' . Late Extra [8/2008]:According to Michael Brooks, the car is under new ownership to a Mr. Ken Alflen who isrestoring it.