Car Body #402

As of Feb. 17, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2007] Car #402 was acquired in 1998 by Vic Brincat of the Cadillac Mailing List (CML). That car was not previously listed among the survivors identified by the former Brougham Owners' Association, in 1978. The owner says he knows the Canadian Mounties seized it from a drug dealer in 1990 and impounded the car until 1995. It was originally exported, possibly to Canada and morespecifically into the Province of Quebec; the car carries a 1958 Quebec license plate. Ithas a reported 21K miles and still rides on air. Restoration was carried out between 2002 and 2004. Vic did the most amazing, meticulous job. If you don't believe me, check out: The car now rates among the top three for 1957-58, with #230 and #273 for 1957. Late extra [2/2007]: Vic sold the car to John Campbell, a California Congressman and car collector. John is a fervent advocate of preserving automotive history; he will be showing and driving this car frequently, as it deserves.

Car Body #402

[Feb.01.2007] Car #402 was acquired in 1998 by Vic Brincat of the Cadillac Mailing List (CML). That car was not previously listed among the survivors identified by the former Brougham Owners' Association, in 1978. The owner says he knows the Canadian Mounties seized it from a drug dealer in 1990 and impounded the car until 1995. It was originally exported, possibly to Canada and morespecifically into the Province of Quebec; the car carries a 1958 Quebec license plate. Ithas a reported 21K miles and still rides on air. Restoration was carried out between 2002 and 2004. Vic did the most amazing, meticulous job. If you don't believe me, check out: The car now rates among the top three for 1957-58, with #230 and #273 for 1957. Late extra [2/2007]: Vic sold the car to John Campbell, a California Congressman and car collector. John is a fervent advocate of preserving automotive history; he will be showing and driving this car frequently, as it deserves.