Car Body #359

As of Jan. 16, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #359 [NEW#, 8/2008] was brought to my attention a few weeks ago by its current owner, Dick Lannen (MI). As I was away for two months, this update is a few weeks overdue, forewhich I apologize. Dick wrote: I obtained my car from a second owner who never titled it in his name so I have the original title from the original owner was driven 10 years then basically parked ...until I got it in 1989 ...itstill only has 27000 ...miles and has been restored . a great show condition ...therestoration was finished in 1991 ...and won several awards here in the Detroit area including the concours at Meadow Brook ...and just recently received Best in Show ata concours here in June ...I am able to keep it at the GM Heritage Center here in Michigan...I am inclosing some pics, including the body plate etc.

Car Body #359

[Feb.01.2017] Car #359 [NEW#, 8/2008] was brought to my attention a few weeks ago by its current owner, Dick Lannen (MI). As I was away for two months, this update is a few weeks overdue, forewhich I apologize. Dick wrote: I obtained my car from a second owner who never titled it in his name so I have the original title from the original owner was driven 10 years then basically parked ...until I got it in 1989 ...itstill only has 27000 ...miles and has been restored . a great show condition ...therestoration was finished in 1991 ...and won several awards here in the Detroit area including the concours at Meadow Brook ...and just recently received Best in Show ata concours here in June ...I am able to keep it at the GM Heritage Center here in Michigan...I am inclosing some pics, including the body plate etc.