Car Body #356

As of Jan. 16, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[May.01.2008] Car #356 was owned since the late seventies by the late William (Bill) Buckingham, Sr., and his son, Bill Jr., of Worth, IL. Bill Sr. owned also Broughams #245 and #337, above. I was able to meet the father-and-son team andto admire all three cars on a trip to the Buckingham home in Indiana in 2006. Late Extra [May, 2008]: Bill's son has been' Spring cleaning' his storage facilities and sent these recent photos of #356 for our enjoyment. He says he may be offering one ofthese three cars for sale. Keep an eye on this page for further details.

Car Body #356

[May.01.2008] Car #356 was owned since the late seventies by the late William (Bill) Buckingham, Sr., and his son, Bill Jr., of Worth, IL. Bill Sr. owned also Broughams #245 and #337, above. I was able to meet the father-and-son team andto admire all three cars on a trip to the Buckingham home in Indiana in 2006. Late Extra [May, 2008]: Bill's son has been' Spring cleaning' his storage facilities and sent these recent photos of #356 for our enjoyment. He says he may be offering one ofthese three cars for sale. Keep an eye on this page for further details.