As of March 7, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:
[Feb.01.2017] Car #282 was lastseen advertised for sale by Mike Rizzuto of Mastermind, in May 1991. At that timeit was priced at $23,500. It was still on air and was said to look'better than average' (???). Late extra [7/2001]: According to Paris-based car salesman, Beno?tCouturier (aka Mr. C.), he bought this car (from Mike?). Initially he said itwas #5770-1129523 which caused some confusion as this is NOT a Brougham enginenumber. After some research, I came to the conclusion that he meant # 5770-129523,which would make it this car. Mr. C. asserted to me that the car was in'better than Concours condition' (for $23.5K?!?!), although I take hisassertions with a pinch of salt ever since he tried to pull the wool over my eyes with theCadillac Jacqueline [a Pinin Farina pushmobile you can read about on this page]. He sold #282, in Paris,to a former neighbor of mine who wishes to remain anonymous (by the way, he and I did NOTlive on the same side of the fence.'
[Feb.01.2017] Car #282 was lastseen advertised for sale by Mike Rizzuto of Mastermind, in May 1991. At that timeit was priced at $23,500. It was still on air and was said to look'better than average' (???). Late extra [7/2001]: According to Paris-based car salesman, Beno?tCouturier (aka Mr. C.), he bought this car (from Mike?). Initially he said itwas #5770-1129523 which caused some confusion as this is NOT a Brougham enginenumber. After some research, I came to the conclusion that he meant # 5770-129523,which would make it this car. Mr. C. asserted to me that the car was in'better than Concours condition' (for $23.5K?!?!), although I take hisassertions with a pinch of salt ever since he tried to pull the wool over my eyes with theCadillac Jacqueline [a Pinin Farina pushmobile you can read about on this page]. He sold #282, in Paris,to a former neighbor of mine who wishes to remain anonymous (by the way, he and I did NOTlive on the same side of the fence.'