Car Body #277

As of Jan. 16, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #277 has survived; this information was supplied kindly by Brougham aficionado, Ron Susser. He supplied also the photos below. The owner's name is Ilkka Brotherus; he lives in Helsinki, Finland. According to collector-enthusiast Bill Wetzel of CA [car #154], this is one of SIX Eldorado Broughams sold by the GeneWiner Cadillac dealership in Bakersfield, CA. The others were #s 154, 284, 462, 323 and 686.

Car Body #277

[Feb.01.2017] Car #277 has survived; this information was supplied kindly by Brougham aficionado, Ron Susser. He supplied also the photos below. The owner's name is Ilkka Brotherus; he lives in Helsinki, Finland. According to collector-enthusiast Bill Wetzel of CA [car #154], this is one of SIX Eldorado Broughams sold by the GeneWiner Cadillac dealership in Bakersfield, CA. The others were #s 154, 284, 462, 323 and 686.