Car Body #153

As of Jan. 20, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #153 [NEW, 6/2009]was brought to my attention by its owner, Steve Phillips who wrote: Hello, myname is Steve Phillips. Approximately 2-years-ago Ifound and bought car #153. It isa complete car that needs to berestored. It is on springs, has a single 4V instead of the dual 4V, and shows 37,000miles on the odometer. This car still has the original paint and leatherinterior. Thestainless steeltop isflawless; all glass is in good shape.I'm not sure at this timewhat I need to do with this car. My email address is: jeherop@yahoo.comif you have any questions. It was very exciting tome to find your registry onthe Internet and see that the whereabouts of car#153 was unknown.

Car Body #153

[Feb.01.2017] Car #153 [NEW, 6/2009]was brought to my attention by its owner, Steve Phillips who wrote: Hello, myname is Steve Phillips. Approximately 2-years-ago Ifound and bought car #153. It isa complete car that needs to berestored. It is on springs, has a single 4V instead of the dual 4V, and shows 37,000miles on the odometer. This car still has the original paint and leatherinterior. Thestainless steeltop isflawless; all glass is in good shape.I'm not sure at this timewhat I need to do with this car. My email address is: jeherop@yahoo.comif you have any questions. It was very exciting tome to find your registry onthe Internet and see that the whereabouts of car#153 was unknown.