Car Body #139

As of Jan. 20, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #139 has survived too; the owner contacted me and sent a few photos. It was advertised for sale on eBay in November, 2006. The car looks in very nice condition. This example has had all the original mechanical components professionally rebuilt to original factory specifications. There are no defects or mechanical problems ofany kind. The only modification from original was done by the original owner in the late 50's by converting the air ride self leveling suspension to conventional springs. It incorporates many of the Vanity Items!

Car Body #139

[Feb.01.2017] Car #139 has survived too; the owner contacted me and sent a few photos. It was advertised for sale on eBay in November, 2006. The car looks in very nice condition. This example has had all the original mechanical components professionally rebuilt to original factory specifications. There are no defects or mechanical problems ofany kind. The only modification from original was done by the original owner in the late 50's by converting the air ride self leveling suspension to conventional springs. It incorporates many of the Vanity Items!