Car Body #105

As of Dec. 22, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #105 was owned inthe late seventies by John Miller of Natick, NY. At that time, John owned also1957-58 Broughams #199 and 305,1959 Brougham #92 and 1960 Broughams #22,75 and 97. Car #105 was used recently [1998] totest after-market air diaphragms. It was offered for sale in the first quarter, 1998 for $27,500 and at the end of 1999 for $27000. Mike Rizzuto, the vendor, claims that hehas $54000 invested in the car including a $10000 new air ride system. It needed only 'cosmetics'to be a show car. In Jan. 2000 this car was acquired by CLC member Tom Beard fromMike Rizzuto of Mastermind. He says it will have a wonderful new home in Florida where hewill continue the restoration that Mike started.

Car Body #105

[Feb.01.2017] Car #105 was owned inthe late seventies by John Miller of Natick, NY. At that time, John owned also1957-58 Broughams #199 and 305,1959 Brougham #92 and 1960 Broughams #22,75 and 97. Car #105 was used recently [1998] totest after-market air diaphragms. It was offered for sale in the first quarter, 1998 for $27,500 and at the end of 1999 for $27000. Mike Rizzuto, the vendor, claims that hehas $54000 invested in the car including a $10000 new air ride system. It needed only 'cosmetics'to be a show car. In Jan. 2000 this car was acquired by CLC member Tom Beard fromMike Rizzuto of Mastermind. He says it will have a wonderful new home in Florida where hewill continue the restoration that Mike started.