Car Body #103

As of Dec. 22, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #103 was owned inthe late seventies by Carl Gorton of Merritt Island, FL. Lateextra [3/2006]: Enthusiast Jean-Clause Franchitti writes: I didcome across 57 EB #43, #95, #103. I will forward pictures. There is almost nothing left of #95so you can consider it destroyed. #103 is in extremely poor condition but restorable, and#43 has been reassembled from parts (it does not have the original drive train). Last Iheard, the whole package had been purchased by someone in Australia where the cars arenow. A 58 parts car was part of the package and I will check for the number.

Car Body #103

[Feb.01.2017] Car #103 was owned inthe late seventies by Carl Gorton of Merritt Island, FL. Lateextra [3/2006]: Enthusiast Jean-Clause Franchitti writes: I didcome across 57 EB #43, #95, #103. I will forward pictures. There is almost nothing left of #95so you can consider it destroyed. #103 is in extremely poor condition but restorable, and#43 has been reassembled from parts (it does not have the original drive train). Last Iheard, the whole package had been purchased by someone in Australia where the cars arenow. A 58 parts car was part of the package and I will check for the number.