Car Body #75

As of Dec. 26, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #75 was owned in the late seventies by John Miller of Natick, NY. At that time he owned also 1957-58 Broughams #105, 199 and 305, as well as 1960 Broughams #22 and 97. Late extra (Nov. 2006]: the car was advertised for sale in Hemmings Motor News for $55,000. It was described thus: 1960 Cadillac Brougham Pininfarina, black with blue leather interior [it was originally gray], #75 of 101 built. GM's Cadillac Division had Pininfarina of Turin, Italy design [NO - Fleetwood was the designer] and hand built [NO - PF merely assembled the cars that were crated to them; this did involve some hand finishing] 101 Brougham sedans in 1960. Extremely rare and sought after vehicle with unique features and styling, $55,000. 914-788-9053, NY;

Car Body #75

[Feb.01.2017] Car #75 was owned in the late seventies by John Miller of Natick, NY. At that time he owned also 1957-58 Broughams #105, 199 and 305, as well as 1960 Broughams #22 and 97. Late extra (Nov. 2006]: the car was advertised for sale in Hemmings Motor News for $55,000. It was described thus: 1960 Cadillac Brougham Pininfarina, black with blue leather interior [it was originally gray], #75 of 101 built. GM's Cadillac Division had Pininfarina of Turin, Italy design [NO - Fleetwood was the designer] and hand built [NO - PF merely assembled the cars that were crated to them; this did involve some hand finishing] 101 Brougham sedans in 1960. Extremely rare and sought after vehicle with unique features and styling, $55,000. 914-788-9053, NY;