Car Body #68

As of Dec. 8, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #68 currently [1998] belongs toJean-Claude Franchitti (58EB#479, 59EB#23, 60EB#58). He reports that this one is infine condition. I finally broke and sold him the original owner's manual for hiscar, after he made me an offer I could not refuse!

Car Body #68

[Feb.01.2017] Car #68 currently [1998] belongs toJean-Claude Franchitti (58EB#479, 59EB#23, 60EB#58). He reports that this one is infine condition. I finally broke and sold him the original owner's manual for hiscar, after he made me an offer I could not refuse!