Car Body #6

As of Sept. 17, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] [January, 2017]: This Kenya Beige car has survived and is currently located in California. The owner does not want to share details about the car at this time. He also owns 1959 EBs #52 and #97. He stated the following: The cars are all in about the same condition, California cars that have been sitting since the late sixties. They all deserves full restoration, they are very dry, broken glass, never been used as parts cars. They all have tri-power, air ride, no air cleaners.

Car Body #6

[Feb.01.2017] [January, 2017]: This Kenya Beige car has survived and is currently located in California. The owner does not want to share details about the car at this time. He also owns 1959 EBs #52 and #97. He stated the following: The cars are all in about the same condition, California cars that have been sitting since the late sixties. They all deserves full restoration, they are very dry, broken glass, never been used as parts cars. They all have tri-power, air ride, no air cleaners.