Car Body #627

As of Dec. 22, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #627 was owned in the late seventies by C. Vaughan Lewis of Utica, NY.' At that time, Vaughan owned also Broughams #44, 214 and 622.In December 1999 I was contacted by the car's new owner who is currently restoring the car as close to perfection as possible. This is music to our ears! In July 2000, Vic Brincat of Canada (Brougham #402, above) confirmed that the car was' undergoing a full restoration.' The car is now owned by Mr. Paul Kelly. Freshly restored, in beautiful Jamaican Green [code #132], the car showed up in Canada at the Trillium CLC Show 'n Shine [Cadillac-La Salle Club of Ontario]. Parts from #494 were used for the restoration; the remains of that car belong to enthusiast David King (20087).

Car Body #627

[Feb.01.2017] Car #627 was owned in the late seventies by C. Vaughan Lewis of Utica, NY.' At that time, Vaughan owned also Broughams #44, 214 and 622.In December 1999 I was contacted by the car's new owner who is currently restoring the car as close to perfection as possible. This is music to our ears! In July 2000, Vic Brincat of Canada (Brougham #402, above) confirmed that the car was' undergoing a full restoration.' The car is now owned by Mr. Paul Kelly. Freshly restored, in beautiful Jamaican Green [code #132], the car showed up in Canada at the Trillium CLC Show 'n Shine [Cadillac-La Salle Club of Ontario]. Parts from #494 were used for the restoration; the remains of that car belong to enthusiast David King (20087).