Car Body #531

As of Jan. 2, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #531 was owned in thelate seventies by Dr. Rick Zeiger of Indianapolis, IN. At that time, Dr. Zeigerowned also Broughams #338, 446 and 516. Late Extra (5/2005): the car has been acquiredby Joe Rubert of Memphis, TN who says: I recently acquired my third EldoradoBrougham. #531. Suspension converted, no vanities; hope to start rebuild in September '05.Well, good luck Joe and do send some pics as the work progresses.

Car Body #531

[Feb.01.2017] Car #531 was owned in thelate seventies by Dr. Rick Zeiger of Indianapolis, IN. At that time, Dr. Zeigerowned also Broughams #338, 446 and 516. Late Extra (5/2005): the car has been acquiredby Joe Rubert of Memphis, TN who says: I recently acquired my third EldoradoBrougham. #531. Suspension converted, no vanities; hope to start rebuild in September '05.Well, good luck Joe and do send some pics as the work progresses.