Car Body #529

As of Dec. 30, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #529 is in Sweden; it wasimported there from Sacramento, CA, in 1989. It is being restored by the owner [this infofrom Jerry Jansson, Sweden]. He writes: Regarding EB58#529, I just got an OK from theowner to have you add his name to the info. It's Mr. Tomas Misjujev of Gavle Sweden, hehas not started the renovation yet and has a 58 Olds and a 59 Biarritz to finishfirst! He is also the one bidding for the two EB59's on Internet. He is bidding forhis brother Henrik Midendal who also owns EB60#28!

Car Body #529

[Feb.01.2017] Car #529 is in Sweden; it wasimported there from Sacramento, CA, in 1989. It is being restored by the owner [this infofrom Jerry Jansson, Sweden]. He writes: Regarding EB58#529, I just got an OK from theowner to have you add his name to the info. It's Mr. Tomas Misjujev of Gavle Sweden, hehas not started the renovation yet and has a 58 Olds and a 59 Biarritz to finishfirst! He is also the one bidding for the two EB59's on Internet. He is bidding forhis brother Henrik Midendal who also owns EB60#28!