Car Body #506

As of Dec. 26, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #506 was owned in the late seventies by William Winner III of Boulder Creek, CA. At that time, William owned also Brougham #555, below. In late 1999 it was offered for sale for $40000 by Mike Rizzuto, who said he had $60000 invested in the car. It had a reported 40K miles, a new engine and transmission and it was ' partly disassembled' . This car is in Sweden where it is being restored for a mysterious' Mr B' by Hans Emeren of Autocraft in Vikarbyn.

Car Body #506

[Feb.01.2017] Car #506 was owned in the late seventies by William Winner III of Boulder Creek, CA. At that time, William owned also Brougham #555, below. In late 1999 it was offered for sale for $40000 by Mike Rizzuto, who said he had $60000 invested in the car. It had a reported 40K miles, a new engine and transmission and it was ' partly disassembled' . This car is in Sweden where it is being restored for a mysterious' Mr B' by Hans Emeren of Autocraft in Vikarbyn.