Car Body #336

As of Jan. 15, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #336 is currently [7/2000] located in Florida. It was acquired about three years ago from the son of the original owner. It was driven from Indiana to Florida and kept there for about 2 years. It was then sold it to a gentleman from Ft Lauderdale. This Brougham is described as a 'nice car' but shows the effects of a long idle period. The car is rust-free and an excellent candidate for restoration.

Car Body #336

[Feb.01.2017] Car #336 is currently [7/2000] located in Florida. It was acquired about three years ago from the son of the original owner. It was driven from Indiana to Florida and kept there for about 2 years. It was then sold it to a gentleman from Ft Lauderdale. This Brougham is described as a 'nice car' but shows the effects of a long idle period. The car is rust-free and an excellent candidate for restoration.