Car Body #311

As of Jan. 15, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #311 Rumor has itthat this car too has survived and may have only 19,000kms on the clock (i.e. less than12,000 miles); confirmation and further details are sought. This carwaswas acquired in June 2000 by Mark Goerner who confirms its excellentcondition. Mark also has a second Brougham for parts.

Car Body #311

[Feb.01.2017] Car #311 Rumor has itthat this car too has survived and may have only 19,000kms on the clock (i.e. less than12,000 miles); confirmation and further details are sought. This carwaswas acquired in June 2000 by Mark Goerner who confirms its excellentcondition. Mark also has a second Brougham for parts.