Car Body #298

As of Jan. 15, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #298 was owned in the late seventies by Klaus Wojak of West Palm Beach, FL. At that time, Klaus owned also Brougham #34, above. The car was first delivered to NewYork. It was rated in A1 condition by the BOA, in the late seventies. At lastnews, the car was acquired in Florida by Patric & Renee Crist of Gig Harbor, WA; theykept it up to 2003. From the photo below, you will notice that the car has been repaintedfrom the original black [code #110], to a shade of blue (or silver?). The Crist's car isfeatured on the front cover of BOA Newsletter, Vol. 11, #2. Renee wrote: The new owner is Daryl Hedman (also a member of the Cadillac Club) of Gig Harbor. Daryl recently purchased another 1957 Brougham which was located in Michigan and I will forward you the number as soon as I hear from Daryl (he is out of town). My Husband Pat just purchased car # 361 from David Fogg who resides in San Diego [see entry below for this car]. 

Car Body #298

[Feb.01.2017] Car #298 was owned in the late seventies by Klaus Wojak of West Palm Beach, FL. At that time, Klaus owned also Brougham #34, above. The car was first delivered to NewYork. It was rated in A1 condition by the BOA, in the late seventies. At lastnews, the car was acquired in Florida by Patric & Renee Crist of Gig Harbor, WA; theykept it up to 2003. From the photo below, you will notice that the car has been repaintedfrom the original black [code #110], to a shade of blue (or silver?). The Crist's car isfeatured on the front cover of BOA Newsletter, Vol. 11, #2. Renee wrote: The new owner is Daryl Hedman (also a member of the Cadillac Club) of Gig Harbor. Daryl recently purchased another 1957 Brougham which was located in Michigan and I will forward you the number as soon as I hear from Daryl (he is out of town). My Husband Pat just purchased car # 361 from David Fogg who resides in San Diego [see entry below for this car].