Car Body #289

As of Jan. 16, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #289 In April 1999, Frits Mast - Car #652 - mentioned that, while he was on a trip to Sweden last year, he encountered this car [trim 2422 paint112]; it was located in a barn and looked in restorable condition. This car (engine.# 5770131565) was shipped to New York. Repainted from black to white, it is currently (9/2000) in Sweden and belongs to Jan Anders Äkerlind of Östanbro 8, SE 725 96 Västerås, Sweden. Jan also owns a couple of late 50's Cadillacs and runs a Cafefor cruisers! The info update and the photos, below, were supplied kindly by JerryJansson, a Brougham aficionado from Sweden. Thanks Jerry!

Car Body #289

[Feb.01.2017] Car #289 In April 1999, Frits Mast - Car #652 - mentioned that, while he was on a trip to Sweden last year, he encountered this car [trim 2422 paint112]; it was located in a barn and looked in restorable condition. This car (engine.# 5770131565) was shipped to New York. Repainted from black to white, it is currently (9/2000) in Sweden and belongs to Jan Anders Äkerlind of Östanbro 8, SE 725 96 Västerås, Sweden. Jan also owns a couple of late 50's Cadillacs and runs a Cafefor cruisers! The info update and the photos, below, were supplied kindly by JerryJansson, a Brougham aficionado from Sweden. Thanks Jerry!