Car Body #266

As of Jan. 16, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #266 Victor M., a resident of Mexico and owner of Car#407 reports that this one too is in Mexico; my recordsshow that, like Victor's car, it was first delivered to California, so neither car hadvery far to travel! The current owner's name is Arturo Perez. It is inoverall good car but although the upholstery follows the original pattern, it has beentrimmed in dark and light gray vinyl. The original trunk lining is still there butthe car no longer rides on air. Aside from that, it seems fairly complete, includingthe dual carbs and correct air filter. Car is silver in color (code #118). Victor has beenvery helpful in providing useful information for the Database, on 'Mexican'Broughams. In January, 2001 he wrote: I was at a Car show last Saturday. There,I saw a '57 Brougham (couldn't check on the number) and talk with two owners. Among thethree of us, and a friend, a long time Cadillac fan and collector, we are almost surethere are only five Broughams in Mexico, four of them in Mexico city: (1) #266 [this one] in the Museum, owned by Arturo Perez, (2) #407 (mine), (3) Mr. Oliveros' car (the one seen at the show) #376, which is medium metallic blue with a white, all-leatherinterior and the original blue carpet1,(4) Dr. Betancourt's car (I had the wrong name before. I still need to find out about itbut the story is that he brought it from Europe; apparently it too is medium metallicblue), and (5) one that is in a museum in Puebla; the current owner is FernandoGarcia-Limon. The latter car is the first Brougham I ever saw, probably 20 years ago; backthen it was owned by an Architect, Mr. Mestre, and painted ...bright orange! Mr. Garciatold me it still has it's original blue interior and that he painted the car back tothe correct medium blue metallic. So, out of the five cars in Mexico, we have3 that are medium metallic blue, one that is dark blue metallic (mine) whichoriginally was (and will be when restored), black, and one silver.___________________________________________________1 Thirty-eight Broughams (of 1957-58)had all-white, all-leather interiors; however, only three of them were painted any shadeof blue: #235 (Fairfax blue), #250 (Academy blue), and #516 (Balmoral blue); onlyone of these had a 'special order' blue Karakul nylon carpet, code'0', i.e. car #235; the original destination of that car was Louisiana, which isnot too far from Mexico, via Texas. It will be interesting to find out, Victor, ifthis is Mr. Oliveros' car.

Car Body #266

[Feb.01.2017] Car #266 Victor M., a resident of Mexico and owner of Car#407 reports that this one too is in Mexico; my recordsshow that, like Victor's car, it was first delivered to California, so neither car hadvery far to travel! The current owner's name is Arturo Perez. It is inoverall good car but although the upholstery follows the original pattern, it has beentrimmed in dark and light gray vinyl. The original trunk lining is still there butthe car no longer rides on air. Aside from that, it seems fairly complete, includingthe dual carbs and correct air filter. Car is silver in color (code #118). Victor has beenvery helpful in providing useful information for the Database, on 'Mexican'Broughams. In January, 2001 he wrote: I was at a Car show last Saturday. There,I saw a '57 Brougham (couldn't check on the number) and talk with two owners. Among thethree of us, and a friend, a long time Cadillac fan and collector, we are almost surethere are only five Broughams in Mexico, four of them in Mexico city: (1) #266 [this one] in the Museum, owned by Arturo Perez, (2) #407 (mine), (3) Mr. Oliveros' car (the one seen at the show) #376, which is medium metallic blue with a white, all-leatherinterior and the original blue carpet1,(4) Dr. Betancourt's car (I had the wrong name before. I still need to find out about itbut the story is that he brought it from Europe; apparently it too is medium metallicblue), and (5) one that is in a museum in Puebla; the current owner is FernandoGarcia-Limon. The latter car is the first Brougham I ever saw, probably 20 years ago; backthen it was owned by an Architect, Mr. Mestre, and painted ...bright orange! Mr. Garciatold me it still has it's original blue interior and that he painted the car back tothe correct medium blue metallic. So, out of the five cars in Mexico, we have3 that are medium metallic blue, one that is dark blue metallic (mine) whichoriginally was (and will be when restored), black, and one silver.___________________________________________________1 Thirty-eight Broughams (of 1957-58)had all-white, all-leather interiors; however, only three of them were painted any shadeof blue: #235 (Fairfax blue), #250 (Academy blue), and #516 (Balmoral blue); onlyone of these had a 'special order' blue Karakul nylon carpet, code'0', i.e. car #235; the original destination of that car was Louisiana, which isnot too far from Mexico, via Texas. It will be interesting to find out, Victor, ifthis is Mr. Oliveros' car.