Car Body #200

As of Jan. 19, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #200 was last reported at France's Le Mans speedway motor museum. I got the photo [below] from friendand CLC member Gilles Dreux of France [April 1999], as well as confirmation that the caris still in the museum collection. Regrettably, the museum is no longer open to thepublic. The car is registered in Paris [59HJ75] and carries in the center of thefront grille a badge of the Principality of Monaco. In April/May 2003, this carcaught the eye of Database visitor, Brian E. Downey who wrote: I read with greatinterest your 'Best of the Brougham Breed' and I noted your mention of thehistory of car #200. I do remember that in the summer of '57 (and for many yearsthereafter) our family would vacation in Ocean City, NJ. Another family, who became legendary as vacationers there, was the Philadelphia Kelly family, including John B. andhis daughter, Grace [the movie actress who subsequently married Prince Rainier ofMonaco]. I am almost positive the Kellys had a '57 Eldorado Brougham that I would seeparked at their home; it looked identical to, and may even have been, the car I sat in [atScott Smith Cadillac, Ardmore, PA] in the summer of 1957. What caught my eye in yourDatabase was your mentioning that car #200 has a badge of the Principality of Monaco.Considering Grace's subsequent life as its Princess, is this mere coincidence ...or is#200 perhaps both the car once owned by the Kelly's as well as the one I sat inalmost 50 years ago? Well, Brian, anything is possible! Rainier of Monacois an avid auto collector; Grace could well have given him the car as a 'wedding gift'. I doubt, however, that the car would ever have left the Palacecollection. I'll put some sleuth's on the case and see what I can dig up. Late Extra[Feb. 2008]: Well, it seems this is NOT the Grace Kelly car; the latter was offered forsale on Craig's List in Feb., 2008. It does appear to have the same paint color and trim,but gthe 'French' car is far from original and the car being sold is describedas: The best original Eldorado Brougham in theWorld, with only 10,600 original miles and in mint condition. Unfortunately, neither the VIN nor the body number are listed in the ad. Late Extra [8/2008]: This came in from enthusiast Kurt Linhof of Denver, CO: Here are two versions of the same shot of #200, I took during race week this June [2008] at the LeMans Museum. Your narrative for #200 has older photosand says the museum was closed to the public, at least at the time those were taken - Idon't know how long it's been open again, but it's obviously been re-modeled and it's opento the public least during race week. #200 is well-presented and while notfeatured, is given a respectable piece of real estate and looked good, aside from thedrooping right-side Dagmar. It appears to be in restored conditionon therewise, although I didn't inspect the ride height so can't comment on the suspension, all I can say it is a GREAT looking specimen, but they all are, in almost any condition.

Car Body #200

[Feb.01.2017] Car #200 was last reported at France's Le Mans speedway motor museum. I got the photo [below] from friendand CLC member Gilles Dreux of France [April 1999], as well as confirmation that the caris still in the museum collection. Regrettably, the museum is no longer open to thepublic. The car is registered in Paris [59HJ75] and carries in the center of thefront grille a badge of the Principality of Monaco. In April/May 2003, this carcaught the eye of Database visitor, Brian E. Downey who wrote: I read with greatinterest your 'Best of the Brougham Breed' and I noted your mention of thehistory of car #200. I do remember that in the summer of '57 (and for many yearsthereafter) our family would vacation in Ocean City, NJ. Another family, who became legendary as vacationers there, was the Philadelphia Kelly family, including John B. andhis daughter, Grace [the movie actress who subsequently married Prince Rainier ofMonaco]. I am almost positive the Kellys had a '57 Eldorado Brougham that I would seeparked at their home; it looked identical to, and may even have been, the car I sat in [atScott Smith Cadillac, Ardmore, PA] in the summer of 1957. What caught my eye in yourDatabase was your mentioning that car #200 has a badge of the Principality of Monaco.Considering Grace's subsequent life as its Princess, is this mere coincidence ...or is#200 perhaps both the car once owned by the Kelly's as well as the one I sat inalmost 50 years ago? Well, Brian, anything is possible! Rainier of Monacois an avid auto collector; Grace could well have given him the car as a 'wedding gift'. I doubt, however, that the car would ever have left the Palacecollection. I'll put some sleuth's on the case and see what I can dig up. Late Extra[Feb. 2008]: Well, it seems this is NOT the Grace Kelly car; the latter was offered forsale on Craig's List in Feb., 2008. It does appear to have the same paint color and trim,but gthe 'French' car is far from original and the car being sold is describedas: The best original Eldorado Brougham in theWorld, with only 10,600 original miles and in mint condition. Unfortunately, neither the VIN nor the body number are listed in the ad. Late Extra [8/2008]: This came in from enthusiast Kurt Linhof of Denver, CO: Here are two versions of the same shot of #200, I took during race week this June [2008] at the LeMans Museum. Your narrative for #200 has older photosand says the museum was closed to the public, at least at the time those were taken - Idon't know how long it's been open again, but it's obviously been re-modeled and it's opento the public least during race week. #200 is well-presented and while notfeatured, is given a respectable piece of real estate and looked good, aside from thedrooping right-side Dagmar. It appears to be in restored conditionon therewise, although I didn't inspect the ride height so can't comment on the suspension, all I can say it is a GREAT looking specimen, but they all are, in almost any condition.