
Car Body #3

As of Feb. 18, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #3 is believed to have survived. This came from Darrel Drennan, a Cadillac Database visitor,in February, 2003: I have read your information as it pertains to the 1953Cadillac Eldorado. My grandfather was a Cadillac dealer at one time and in 1953 sold a1953 Eldorado to a local couple. About about 25 years later, he bought it back from the widow of this couple. He had it restored a little. It was painted, new interior, wheels& bumpers re-chromed. My grandfather has passed away and now my father has the car. It has about 100k on the engine which has never been rebuilt. It runs pretty good, but I think the transmission slips a little. I don't live in the same town as my father so I am doing this by memory. I was going through your database and pictures of the Eldorados that had the number of when each car was built, #1, #9, and so on. By looking at the body plate for car #241, I think my father has car #3. Again, I am doing this from memory, but I think I am correct. It's white with a black top (new), and a red & white interior.Matt Larson contacted Darrel and told him where to look for the VIN and body tag information for car #3; he did not receive a response.

Car Body #3

[Feb.01.2017] Car #3 is believed to have survived. This came from Darrel Drennan, a Cadillac Database visitor,in February, 2003: I have read your information as it pertains to the 1953Cadillac Eldorado. My grandfather was a Cadillac dealer at one time and in 1953 sold a1953 Eldorado to a local couple. About about 25 years later, he bought it back from the widow of this couple. He had it restored a little. It was painted, new interior, wheels& bumpers re-chromed. My grandfather has passed away and now my father has the car. It has about 100k on the engine which has never been rebuilt. It runs pretty good, but I think the transmission slips a little. I don't live in the same town as my father so I am doing this by memory. I was going through your database and pictures of the Eldorados that had the number of when each car was built, #1, #9, and so on. By looking at the body plate for car #241, I think my father has car #3. Again, I am doing this from memory, but I think I am correct. It's white with a black top (new), and a red & white interior.Matt Larson contacted Darrel and told him where to look for the VIN and body tag information for car #3; he did not receive a response.