Car Body #227

As of Jan. 18, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #227 was listed as a survivor already in the mid-seventies but its where abouts were unknown; it was offered for sale on eBay in April, 2006 where it was listed in error as 'car#72'; the vendor presumably took the last two digits of the VIN to be the unit number of the car; he has since made the correction. The car appears complete and in relatively good condition; certainly worth restoring.

Car Body #227

[Feb.01.2017] Car #227 was listed as a survivor already in the mid-seventies but its where abouts were unknown; it was offered for sale on eBay in April, 2006 where it was listed in error as 'car#72'; the vendor presumably took the last two digits of the VIN to be the unit number of the car; he has since made the correction. The car appears complete and in relatively good condition; certainly worth restoring.