Car Body #214

As of Jan. 18, 2025, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #214 was owned in the late seventies by C. Vaughan Lewis of Utica, NY. At that time, Vaughan owned also Broughams #44, 622 and 627.This car had a reported 10K miles and ALL accessories and was offered for sale by Vaughan in the CLC's Self Starter magazine in Nov.-Dec. 2000 for ...$65,000. Enthusiast Michael D. Brooks tells me that this car was acquired by Albert Guibara, a gentleman from San Francisco who confirmed the mileage to becirca 10K. All vanities are there. Late Extra [Feb., 2008] this is the 'Grace Kelly' Brougham, owned by her father Jack Kelly. It was offered for sale on Craig's List, in Feb., 2008, by Mr. Guibara (offers are being considered). It is described as : The best original Eldorado Brougham in the World, with only 10,600 original miles and in mint condition.

Car Body #214

[Feb.01.2017] Car #214 was owned in the late seventies by C. Vaughan Lewis of Utica, NY. At that time, Vaughan owned also Broughams #44, 622 and 627.This car had a reported 10K miles and ALL accessories and was offered for sale by Vaughan in the CLC's Self Starter magazine in Nov.-Dec. 2000 for ...$65,000. Enthusiast Michael D. Brooks tells me that this car was acquired by Albert Guibara, a gentleman from San Francisco who confirmed the mileage to becirca 10K. All vanities are there. Late Extra [Feb., 2008] this is the 'Grace Kelly' Brougham, owned by her father Jack Kelly. It was offered for sale on Craig's List, in Feb., 2008, by Mr. Guibara (offers are being considered). It is described as : The best original Eldorado Brougham in the World, with only 10,600 original miles and in mint condition.