Car Body #17

As of May 18, 2024, this is the information we have about this car:

[Feb.01.2017] Car #17 [CHANGE, 09/2005] This one has beendowngraded to parts car at the suggestion of David King ('58 EB's 615and 494 ). I have it from theowner of 60EB#2 that this car was cut in half and made into a2 door, then scrapped. He has several parts of that car, with the #17 stamped onthem.

Car Body #17

[Feb.01.2017] Car #17 [CHANGE, 09/2005] This one has beendowngraded to parts car at the suggestion of David King ('58 EB's 615and 494 ). I have it from theowner of 60EB#2 that this car was cut in half and made into a2 door, then scrapped. He has several parts of that car, with the #17 stamped onthem.